Mass Beer Week Beer Releases

Mass Beer Week Beer Releases

While COVID-19 may still be with us a year later and put a damper on in-person events during Mass Beer Week, there are still plenty of beers to be had. And isn’t that what the week is mostly about? A number of breweries have brewed special releases for Mass Beer...

Wider than the Sky Release

To celebrate Mass Beer Week, Amherst Brewing teamed up with Channel Marker Brewing from Beverly, MA. Wider than the Sky is an 8% Double IPA brewed using Massachusetts-grown and malted wheat from Valley Malt, right down the road from Amherst Brewing, in Hadley. They...
Beer My Valentine

Beer My Valentine

If you LOVE beer like we do, then why not share it with loved ones? Valentine’s Day is coming up on February 14th (in case you forgot the date). Even if you don’t have that significant other to share a beer with, apparently there is a thing...

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