Brew Dog of the Month

By Big Pride

Having traveled to every brewery in Massachusetts we learned a lot about the craft beer community, and one thing was abundantly clear. Craft beer people love animals, especially dogs. There are a number of breweries that are dog friendly and some even sell beer merch for your dog. Also, many of the breweries we visited have their own resident Brew Dog. They come in all shapes and sizes and certainly have distinct personalties. So we decided to give these Brew Dogs a little “pup”licity.

The first Brew Dog we would like to feature is:

                                     “Barley” aka “Barley Smalls” of Lamplighter Brewing Co. in Cambridge.

unnamed                          photos courtesy of Lamplighter Brewing

Barley loves to roll in mud puddles and go on brewery tours with his humans (Cayla Marvil & AC Jones – Co-Founders of Lamplighter Brewing). You may also run into him at the beach or hanging out in the brewery, supervising construction. Lamplighter is currently building their brewery in Cambridge and Barley hopes to have it open soon.

Now some stats on Barley in what we call: The “Tail” Of The Tape

  • Breed: Samoyed
  • Age: 4.5 months
  • Weight: 40 lbs
  • Favorite Food: Pig Ears
  • Favorite Toy: Giant Pretzel Chewy (and occassionaly his owner’s cat)
  • Favorite Thing To Do: Take a nap on the shower floor
  • Favorite Beer: Too young to drink but enjoys sniffing “Filament” (Lamplighter’s Amber Ale/Belgian Strong hybrid)
  • Quote: “TREATS?!!!”


A big thanks to our new canine friend Barley for the interview, and you can follow his adventures on Instagram at: @barley_the_samoyed

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