Frontline Foods South Shore to Raise Money for Effort


PRESS RELEASE / April 16, 2020 (Weymouth, MA) –  As the COVID-19 pandemic wears on all of us, the people most affected are those leading the charge in the fight against this invisible enemy, our frontline workers. They are weary, yet tireless in their efforts to provide patients with first-rate care. To strengthen both the spirits and physical well-being of those workers, Frontline Foods South Shore, through its fundraising, is leading the charge in providing meals from local restaurants, while simultaneously supporting the hard-hit restaurant industry.

Frontline Foods South Shore is a chapter of Frontline Foods that works in conjunction with World Central Kitchen, a non-profit that creates smart solutions to hunger, and helps provide emergency food response during disasters. Frontline Foods is a grassroots organization that is raising money from the community to pay local restaurants to prepare meals for the heroes responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

The South Shore chapter was created by Jed Rice, Dan O’Donnell, and Leon Merian. Rice, Board Chairman, and O’Donnell, the President and General Manager of Barrel House Z, a brewery located in Weymouth, and Merion, a Board Member at Friends of South Shore Health and an Independent Sales Representative, thought this would be a great way to give back to the frontline workers of South Shore Health, as well as helping to keep local restaurants busy.

Rice said, “Having solid relationships with the local restaurants through Barrel House Z, we knew that it would be great to give back to the frontline workers, while helping to keep the kitchens open at our local restaurants. We are looking to the community to help us fund this initiative, that is so meaningful to these vital groups during this time.”

Restaurants including Alma Nove, Burtons Grill, Greenside Grille, Liv Creative Cuisine, Tinker’s Son, and Wahlburgers are participating, with more signing up to join the cause. To date, FFSS has raised enough money to have the restaurants deliver 600 meals to South Shore Health.

Katie Puzo, Philanthropy Officer, Major Gifts at South Shore Health Foundation has been working with Frontline Foods South Shore to coordinate all the logistics with each of the restaurants. Puzo said, “It is wonderful to have such amazing support, as it makes a huge difference for our frontline employees who work hour-by-hour, day-to-day to care for the community.”

To help Frontline Food’s efforts the Aldous Collins Band will be live streaming a concert on April 23, at 7pm from the Frontline Foods South Shore Facebook Page, a donation link has been set-up on the page.

To find out more information, or how you can help, please visit Frontline Foods South Shore on Facebook or donate through the Frontline Foods/World Central Kitchen link Funds from this link are automatically earmarked for the South Shore.

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