PRESS RELEASE / January 7, 2022 (Everett, MA) – Night Shift Brewing Fluffy is back as 2022 kicks off! No longer a small-batch release, this fan favorite has graduated – becoming a year-round member of our lineup, shipping out to all our markets this month

Fluffy sips like a fresh squeeze of hoppy orange juice. It features all cryo hops in the recipe, 95% added post-boil for an extra drinkable, minimally bitter profile. Heavy dry-hopping adds layer upon layer of citrus saturation. Every sip is juicy and bright, bursting with enormous flavors of sweet clementine, fresh apricot, and ripe mango.

For many years, we only had enough of the right hops to make very small, limited batches of Fluffy. When a release dropped, the batch would sell out in days, if not hours, and we were just happy people loved it so much. Today, we’ve secured enough of those juicy hops to make big batches of Fluffy, and we can share it all over New England and beyond.

AVAILABLE: In Everett, Lovejoy Wharf, and a store near you


About Night Shift Brewing

Night Shift Brewing has its roots in a small kitchen on Josephine Ave in Somerville, MA. In 2007, Co-Founders Rob, Mike, and Michael began homebrewing at night, making beers for friends and family that they hoped were more delicious than the commercial options on shelves. In 2012, the trio moved their hobby to a small Everett warehouse and launched the business. They relied on a “craft better” mindset and their passionate community of loyal customers to quickly grow their staff, production, and distribution in the local market. Today, Night Shift Brewing operates locations in Everett and Boston MA, and distributes beer throughout MA, CT, PA, NY, ME, and NH. It is currently one of the top 100 craft breweries in the country by volume. For more information, please visit and follow along on Instagram @nightshiftbrewing, @nightshiftlovejoy, @owlsnestbostonand @nightshiftcoffee.


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